Reddit how to dating in your 20s gay

Going out and meeting people in real life might help. I know you don't love bars, but it really can do wonders to meet folks IRL. With apps and pics people can't see your personality, how you move, your facial expressions, your laugh. All that stuff can be part of attraction.

Gay dating in your 20s : gay

If all I saw of my BF before we met was a pic im not sure i would have thought he was exceptional attractive, but his mannerisms, personality, and laugh make me melt. I met him out one night and was hooked immediately. If you have some gay establishments near you I say suck it up, put on some cute clothes, bring some friends, and chat some guys up. You may do better that way. You can't sense chemistry with just a pic and a carefully edited profile.

Best of luck! Thanks for the suggestion, I am going to try to go out more. I might report back if it's going alright. Also going to join an adult soccer league, and if I have time, maybe something else like volleyball. I figure it'll probably be mostly straight guys, but that has its benefits: That is adorable about how you see your boyfriend, makes me happy to hear guys are doing well together.

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Joining clubs, associations, meetups, etc can be a great way to meet people IRL outside of a bar atmosphere. You could even look for clubs, associations, etc that are by and for gay men.

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Meeting someone with a shared interest is a really smart idea, and if you aren't into the bar scene then meeting another guy who might feel the same way is a smart idea. Thanks for the kind words. Everything from the way he talks, to the way he laughs, to the way he looks down over his glasses and gives me a crooked grin when I say something sassy just makes life so very sweet. It draws me to him like a magnet.

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I couldn't have experienced that if I didn't meet him IRL. Best of luck!!! If you can play sports and live in a town of any size, try to find gay sports leagues. You will meet a ton of guys, have something in common and be put together for hours of time, so it will be very likely you'll meet people, they will have frends that will find you cute, then you'll fall in love, move in together, get a cat, eat pizza watching movies, meet his parents, have tons of fun and laugh at how things used to be.

I suck at sports, but it has worked wonders for my friends. I had to work 6x as hard to find a BF at the bars. As someone who is 23 and still closeted, I feel like I need to come out like NOW 'cus in a little while I'm going to be in my late twenties. Don't mean to sound like a bitch, but feel like once I reach my late twenties ill no longer be at the "attractive peak" and will miss the opportunity to ever get with a hot young gay guy.

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  • Or as OP is talking about, possibly the boys stop a knocking all together. This is a whole different subject, but oh my goodness, yes, I can only encourage you to come out. Despite my current predicament, I've had some amazing times in my life thanks to being out, some really amazing people, some amazing sex: When the time's right for you, you'll do it, but I would urge you so strongly to go for it.

    The older you get, the more you realize that time is a gift and a curse, while it gives something, it will take something else away. I came out at 18 when an event conveyed the urgency of using our precious time in what seems like an eternity of a life. Another guy I knew from high school was driving home for hours after basic training to see his girlfriend.

    He stopped at a gas station 10 minutes from home so he could just walk in and see his girlfriend when he got back. Some guy wanted to steal his car, and shot him dead in the gas station bathroom. I'm sorry about your friend, it's so crazy how random shit like that can happen. I'm glad you could gain strength from such a horrible situation. I would come out too , but I've never had a life-shaking jolt like that, plus living in a conservative part of the country with conservative parents I don't see that as a good option.

    I so wished I was born in California or a big city where it would be easier from a societal standpoint.

    Welcome to Reddit,

    I'm going to come out eventually, I just have no idea when that good moment is going to pop up. I really like what you said about "The older you get, the more you realize that time is a gift and a curse, while it gives something, it will take something else away. Trust me, if you eat right and workout and exercise you won't have any problems. I've had so much better luck in my 30's than my 20's. I have heard several other people say that too. My philosophy teacher said that she was a mess in her 20s and she felt like she didn't really start living until her 30s.

    When I was your age I was not interested in anyone older than me, not even a day. Now that I'm in my 30's, I am a little more openminded and meet hot guys in their 30's and 40's. I didn't notice them when I was younger, I kinda wish I had. Yea I used to feel this exact same sentiment last year when I was 23 and it made me come out literally two days after I turned I thought of all the good looking guys I found attractive when I was 18, 19, etc.

    I did and it made a huge difference. I wish I came out when I was 18, but I waited until Definitley do it, especially if you've already come out to yourself.. I'm in my 40s and, while I never had an issue with my age, I have an awareness of it now more than ever. But, the most important thing to do while you're single is to work on yourself. A transition occurs between where your priorities change.

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    I, for one, went thru the crisis of aloneness in my late 20s. I felt lonely for the first time in my life. I surrounded myself with friends, but it didn't seem to help. I struggled with this for a couple years, but I came out of that struggle being more confident and happy to be single. After that, I loved being single.

    I had high standards, and I played the field joyfully. I also could go out by myself and had fun doing so. It's important for everyone to get to this stage. Relationships often prevent this from happening.

    So, perhaps this is an opportunity for you In the meantime, be confident in yourself. Do NOT lower your standards. But, be prepared to compromise more than you might have in the past. Relationships cannot survive without it, and sometimes they can't even get off the ground without it. In terms of your looks, I'm sure you're quite attractive. It's not about a certain type Someone who's into how you look. It's not easy finding those people, but they're out there. I, for one, know about this more than most. I'm freakishly hairy, and so statistically, I'm out on the edge of the bell curve, several sigma out you speak stats?

    So, it's always been tough finding people who are into that, but it was always fun too.


    In my experience, and I believe this to be universal, finding someone is not an easy thing to do. For me, I'm into my opposite. People like yourself, for example. But, most of those people are not into my type. A small percentage are Just have fun with it. If you're rejected, then you don't want to waste your time with them anyway.

    Want to add to the discussion?

    I never did the online thing no apps existed when I was on the market , I am more of a bar person. In bars you can use all your senses to see if there's an attraction, and the people seem less judgmental and better behaved. Yes, your tastes may change, but don't change them on purpose. Continue to follow your desires. This reply speaks to me so much.

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