Gay dating apps in china

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Although gay marriage is not legal in China, and many people still hide their sexuality from family and friends, Ling married his partner, Gino Chen, in a ceremony in Beijing last month—the day after the U. Supreme Court legalized gay marriage in the U. And his app is making dating easier for the next generation. He estimates Zank has about 8 million users, nearly all of them in China. Zank has has also expanded into other forms of entertainment, producing a popular television serial for WeChat and Youku the Chinese YouTube about a group of gay men living with a straight woman in Beijing—a mixture of 'Friends' and 'Looking.

In-Depth: China’s Leading Gay Dating App Navigates Rough Waters - Caixin Global

Can Grindr keep pace? Blued and Zank have done well locally because they know how young Chinese millennials communicate — both have a WeChat-like 'Moments' feed, for example, where users can post vacation photos or other pictures from daily life. The company is also increasing its profile in China by partnering with the Beijing Gender Health and Education Institute to raise awareness of gay rights in the country. January 7, 3: The report found that boys were allowed to sign up for the app by falsely claiming they were 18 or older and were therefore exposed to explicit content.

And, the app, which has more than 40 million users and includes features like livestreaming and gaming, means that these underage users could have been exposed to pornographic content. Zhang Beichuan, a sexologist at Qingdao University, conducted a month study on Blued and said he interviewed boys as young as 14 who were active on the dating app.

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Meanwhile multiple high school students told him that they had met up with men on the app and that they were pressured to have sex with them. An unidentified LGBT welfare group told Caixin that for the past two years, almost all the new cases of HIV infection that were reported to the organization were from men who met their sexual partners through Blued, including kids as young as Our priority now is to supervise and examine our content.

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Read Next. YouTube star, 24, set to marry year-old girlfriend: News Corp. Share this: However, I find it quite compelling, especially considering many of the things the Beijing Government does really do seem to come from a deep sense of national insecurity. The general consensus among most journalists, scholars and lawyers is that things are stricter than they were in the few years leading up to and after the Olympic. NGOs and other civil society groups are under greater restrictions, especially if they engage in any form of international cooperation.

The most critical media and scholarly journals have been neutered too. The stated purpose of these is to essentially prevent outside influences interfere with the internal development of China and Chinese Society. How legitimate this fear is I have no idea, but the idea of other governments interfering with the internal developments of other countries is of some valid concern at the very least. I mean, Facebook is a great example of this and its abuse by different interest groups around the world.

China essentially wants to prevent this. Draconian, sure.

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Effective, yes. Chinese media and NGOs without foreign partners or funding have strict limits too. Investigative journalism has basically died out when it was flourishing in the mid s. I don't agree investigative journalism has died out. It's a daily battle.

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All journalists have to work around a red line, but many are trying to test out the boundary. The Chinese say where there is a policy, there is a countermeasure - people are hanging in there. I'm agreeing with you. However, you will never hear the Beijing Government say: IMO china should promote gay.

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Cause the male population is much more than the female. Don't you want somebody to love I have a Kazakh classmate who once told me that Bill Gates was teaming up with Xi and possibly the Rothschilds and Rockefellers to promote the spread of homosexuality as a solution to overpopulation He saw it on YouTube, so must be true! The real money is in the companies who can quickly create all those fake accounts to puff up your user statistics.

Yes of course. China has about 70 million gay population. Blued also dominates the Southeast Asia market. I think their e-commerce and gaming services would be what distinguishes the app.

Top 5 Chinese LGBT apps in 2017

It's funny that this article about gay dating apps in China mentions Grindr's buyout to cite its dollar value for comparison, yet it doesn't mention Grindr was acquired by Beijing Kunlun Tech. Hmm, I just read it a second time and still don't see that, and I'm not finding it when I text-search for Grindr or Kunlun. But I'll take your word for it, so thanks. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. All rights reserved.

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