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31 thoughts on “Yet Another Asian Hating Grindr Douche”

Do you think it helps to boycott places that are outwardly intolerant toward gay people or is it better to go and actually meet people and try to change their minds? Boycotting hurts their pockets, which unfortunately is how the world works — money. But with any boycott, I advise to do proper and thorough research as to not fall in a rabbit hole of theories, and instead, find credible news stories and trusted peers to understand why something should be boycotted. Hopefully with boycotting and an in-person discussion, their minds would evolve to be more accepting over time.

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You work with many Asian countries. You know, the funny thing is I hated being Asian as a kid. Now, in marketing, I always push to show diversity in our campaigns and hire people with different backgrounds to show more inclusivity. Thailand has a website called GoThaiBeFree. They really care about this audience. The retreat is female empowerment and for gay men who suffer confidence, body issues.

Mia suffered from anorexia during her modeling career and suffered a breakdown before discovering Muay Thai, which helped her overcome it and accept her weight gain.

Yet Another Asian Hating Grindr Douche

The proceeds from the retreat also go to Wor. Watthana which is a home for kids in the Issan region with no homes and they provide Muay Thai training. All they care about is if you can punch and kick, which is what I love. We need allies and if they see, hear, or read about someone being discriminated for being LGBTQ or anything for the matter , they need to speak up. This can be done in the form of an email to officials, social media comments, and even sharing news about it on their channels.

Traveling is one of the best experiences you can have.

Why Aren't Asian Men Sexy?

At least once in your life, travel to a different country and experience how they live. I realised that, well holy shit, Asian guys are human too! In a cultural reversal where I was at a lingual disadvantage, I learnt to respect the plight of gay Asian guys back in my own country. When I returned here age 23 , I did not seek out Asian guys exclusively but I no longer limited myself to my own race, nor to any race. I had white boyfriends and Asian boyfriends — now I have an Asian boyfriend.

Love is love, if it is true. I have seen gorgeous white people with um… people of other races who are not so gorgeous, and the other way around. In any case, beauty is subjective. I think the real issue is the lack of education amongst the men who use this application. There is a huge difference in attitudes about race between people of different educational attainment.

You can see it in almost every country. As far as my experience goes, gorgeous white people go out with other gorgeous white people.

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  5. Does that mean before your enlightenment, you thought Asians were less than human or non-human? The above profile is insensitive and nasty. The hatred is so palpable. That is a less racist way of saying his preference. Just try to imagine your self in the shoe of a gay asian male and perhaps your will understand that Mr batman is racist. So… people are not allowed to have sexual preference? Right, j…. Asians in particular were a frequent target.

    Why queer Asian men often date white guys - Star Observer

    The difference between a preference and racism is simple: Asians are just as racist as anyone else and here in Australia most predominantly so. If you can handle reading the truth you might consider reading my blog about it. That said, wth are Asian men doing to get themselves blocked by so many guys?

    Appreciate it. And what commonalities lie within our collective psychological experiences?

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    • Why queer Asian men often date white guys.

    The tension of east and west and some of its complexities are especially exhibited in our dating scene. In popular gay Asian colloquialism, there lies the cultural notion that desires revolve around two specific racial choices — rice or potato? This divide seemed commonplace, even manifesting itself within a speed dating event in Sydney. At the event, we were given 12 dates at five minutes each and no one was allowed to talk about work. Interestingly a lot of the people I came across were open to everyone in terms of race when I asked them.

    I wanted to pry even further though, so I inquired if there were any patterns or differences in their dating experiences when it came to dating either white or Asian men. Three people separately mentioned smell which I guess is fair. A guy called Don told me he felt more comfortable with Asian guys since more of them wanted something similar in terms of a relationship , while Caucasian men were either interested in a hookup or seemed much older than him.

    GROWING up as a queer Asian person in Australia can be a unique and tiring ordeal.

    Another person, Jason agreed with this and said that he preferred Asian men because they were similar in their traditions. Jason also felt that other Asian men were culturally more family orientated and more open to monogamy and dating, whereas western guys appeared to be focused on sex. As Eric continued to talk, he revealed how he became more comfortable with his cultural heritage growing up.

    It was during that process he became more open to dating other Asian men. Jason also recalled a similar experience.

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