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Reconnecting With High School Friends.

1. Gay and Fabulous

This stage involves a lot of excitement over reconnecting with other gaylords from the drama club which quickly wears off when they tag you in pics from 10th grade when you had braces and some sort of ill-conceived mushroom haircut. Friending That Weirdo Girl From 5th Grade You know, the one who always smelled like that powder they used to clean throw-up? Deleting That Ignorant Homophobe From Junior High At first, those pics he posted from his job at the gas station brought on some serious blue collar fantasies, but the second he posted that rant against gay marriage, he was chopped faster than you could type, " ItGotWorse.

Connecting With Co-Workers Getting friend requests from Suzie in accounting and Daniel from legal seems great, until you discover they are complete and total bores you have nothing in common with who constantly post their high scores on Candy Crush Saga. Are they on crystal?

Spa apologizes after gay men reportedly denied couple's massage

When do these people sleep? Full disclosure: This person is me. How did he even find you? Oh, wait, you gave him your phone number cuz he had bad WiFi.

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Hot, shirtless guys with tats all over their chest and killer beards. This analysis revealed that homosexual men had proportionally more gay friends than straight men, allowing the students to devise a computer programme to predict the sexual orientation of other Facebook users based solely on the sexualities of their friends. They ran this programme on 10 men who were known to be homosexual but did not reveal this information on their profiles.

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In each case, the software correctly identified the men to be gay. Gay people 'more likely to join Facebook and Twitter'.

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In total the researchers ran their software on people who did not disclose their sexual orientation on their profiles, but it failed to accurately identify lesbians or bisexuals of either gender. Jernigan and Mistree say they are attempting to get their study, titled Gaydar, published in a scientific journal.

Terms and Conditions. And then, I think in part due to complaints from users and privacy advocates, that functionality disappeared or at least was a lot harder to access.

Facebook can tell whether you're gay based on a few 'likes,' study says

Or the local gay bar. Or Grindr. I thought George Takei would be a good indicator, but he seems to be a boundary spanner, at least among my friends.

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