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The artist on music, sexuality, and growing up in the Wu-Tang house

25 Affectionate Gay Love Quotes | LoveToKnow

Use them as-is in texts and love notes or add a personal twist. The love between two women is as unique and special as any other relationship. Help your girlfriend or wife see how much she means to you with these thoughtful suggestions. Just as all people take pride in who they are, gay couples can show pride in their love with strong phrases like these. Couples living in separate towns, states or countries rely on communication to keep their love going strong. Let your significant other know how you feel with long distance poems , quotes, and messages about your feelings. That jagged, thudding bassline in the beginning became every semi-successful Tinder date unfolding over vodka jelly shots on a Tuesday.

25 Affectionate Gay Love Quotes

That breezy falsetto, which comes in around 0: That fluorescent synth bridge, which still catches me by surprise, became all the sweet, bleary Sunday afternoons, mushed together in a miasma of grass and cans and crunched up rizlas and trying not to glance at your phone screen but feeling a lurch every time you do. It is hunger — but more than that — it is the satisfaction that follows.

He describes how, when you slow it down and lean in closer, the bassline is actually a breathy male vocal that unfurls itself to mirror an orgasm. He points out how a vocal adlib at the beginning is then recreated by synth in the bridge, which makes it extra addictive and cyclical.

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The alchemy behind a perfect pop song is something that has been discussed at great length in other corners of the internet, too. First out, you might like the chorus.

Longer notes. Something that might not start at the same beat. The most crucial thing is always how it feels.

By the time winter settled in, the song had evolved and taken on a life of its own. And then there are the numbers: After all, music is only ever a sum of its associations, and how those things stick with you as your life ebbs and flows. And as this song flies through the space-time continuum, outliving all of us, outliving our children, passed through hurried Whatsapps and late night YouTube excursions, played at throwback club nights and through whatever technology we use to experience music in the future, memories will attach themselves to it, adding to a richness that exists already:

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