Canadian blocked by us customs reading profile gay dating site

What non-Americans can do to protect their privacy at the border

He said when he went through secondary inspection at the Vancouver airport, officials didn't need to ask him for passwords - they were allegedly already saved on their system. They were looking through Word documents," he told the newspaper. It was really humiliating and embarrassing. He went on to say: I wasn't let through. He said I'm a suspected escort. You can't really argue with them because you're trapped," he says. Some people that travel for business have very sensitive business information, trade secret information.

Latest Comments. Current Headlines: Palm Beach: Community Health Lifestyle Technology Travel. Canada on Feb 22, I'm always nervous entering the US and Canada. My declarations are always proper, and I carry nothing I'd be upset to have searched. The feeling is just anchored. I get searched a lot and then let go. Waste of time for all concerned. I hate the airport security checkpoints too. I'm worried something of mine will be stolen if I get separated from it.

For anyone else who feels this way, a good tip for US travel is to opt-out of those body scanners. It will take you a bit of extra time to get through, but the TSA will get your stuff from the xray and put it in a separate area, and they will always put on new gloves before touching it. They do this not out of basic respect but because they're going to test their gloves for explosives or something, but I'll take what I can get. I am Canadian born citizen who does most of work remotely with US companies.

A couple times a year I have to go-to US. I am only traveling g for work, carrying nothing illegal and never done anything illegal in the US Yet I get anxiety the US border agents are going to hassle me. This leads to more questioning.

Canadian Blocked By U.S. Customs After Reading His Profile On Gay Hookup App

However by the end my nerves have calmed and I make it through every time. I just say I hate to fly, and going through customs thinking they out to get me. Usually CBP officer will say I should find another profession, or there is medication that can help. Canadian border pulled us inside. They couldn't believe I didn't buy anything and I must be doing something nefarious.

Agents questioned my wife if she knew my whereabouts the whole trip Asked her how well she knew me They took my wallet and wiped down every surface, card, with the agent telling me to speak up now cause the machine is going to tell them. I avoid traveling cause it's a hassle, and stressful just going through customs borders, mainly now only travel on work trips when I have to. That's sad. I really want visit the US and see some national parks but the more I see stories like that the less I want to go.

I hope it will be better in years because I don't want to invent a plausible second life just to go through the border This occurred in October, under Obama, so even if the dems were to win next cycle, there is little hope for the change you seem to be going for. TillE on Feb 22, Some kind of radical change is going to happen, or they'll wither into nothing.

They're not going to win in on Obama policies. You are not alone. This happened under Obama.

It happened in December. What is the relevance of who was President at the time? JumpCrisscross on Feb 22, At least in New York, there are many Democrats campaigning on an anti-Trump platform. They use stories like this to justify their candidacy. What's your take on the story? It shows a hole in our rule of law. Mesa , exploring the Constitutional protection of foreign nationals at the U. In , an unarmed fifteen-year-old Mexican boy was shot in the head by a U. Border Patrol agent. The boy was in a culvert jointly patrolled by the U.

This more proximate story profiles a single U.

New powers for U.S. border agents

Customers and Border Protection agent traversing the personal and sensitive data of a minority by sexual orientation citizen of a friendly nation. The agent wields sole and arbitrary power to detain, question, seize and arrest.

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And he does so with impunity. Our government declined to prosecute Jesus Mesa, Jr. Mesa , despite him having made up claims of the victim throwing rocks at him, later disproven. We're on Hacker News, so instead of depressed drivel I'll suggest a solution. We need legal insurance for the U. Get extrajudicially harassed by a numpty?

Your monthly fee covers a competent lawyer. Maybe use the AirHelp model [2]--you only pay if they succeed. We also need rapid data exfiltration and reintroduction techniques. Wiping my iPhone and Mac, traversing the border, and then hoping my Internet on the other side is fast and secure enough to reload my apps and data within a day isn't reasonable. He has. The US refused to extradite him.

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So we pay numpties to harass people, and then pay lawyers to harass the numpties for doing their jobs? I'll give you credit, it's a very American solution.

US Customs block Canadian man after reading his Scruff profile | Xtra

The monthly fee thing sounds a bit much for visitors. If there is a way to quickly get the data back on they can ask the password for that service or refuse you entry. Because there are good indications that it's going to get a lot worse. The President has significant influence on how border security is conducted, as evidenced by the recent effect of Trump's executive order which has been covered extensively in the news. Incidentally, how do we know when this event happened? The photo is labeled December, but its essentially a stock photo. It says in the article: I ctrl-f'ed for Dec through Feb: WayneBro on Feb 22, The faces change, but the game stays the same.

That's the salient point here IMO.

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Why is that? Who is behind it? The DHS under the direction of the President. Are you suggesting that the US needs looser border controls and screening? It needs more competent screening. Good luck getting that when all they do is grab low hanging fruit from publicly available social media. Anyone who is truly a problem will use a burner and spend 10 minutes creating fake social media accounts that are harmless. I would suggest that, yes. If a gay man wishes to come to the US to prostitute himself, I think that's a fair trade-off for not forcing everyone to bend over for the digital equivalent of a rectal exam.

These procedures were put in place to prevent terrorism. You're OK with human trafficking, but are you OK with terrorism? My point is that some people are worked up about what you equate to a "rectal exam," but don't you think there's good reason for these procedures? If not, how would you prevent terrorists from entering?

That is, what if your male prostitute is a terrorist? There are terrorists who are born here.

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Most school mass shootings are white American males. Why don't we put all of them into detention cells and demand their passwords? Arbitrarily violating the privacy of non-citizens makes it easier to do so to citizens, and also makes it more likely it'll be done to US citizens when they travel abroad. Sometimes you just have to acknowledge that bad people will do bad things. The US has very inconsistent border controls and screening. On one hand, people arriving from wealthy countries at airports get hassled, on the other hand, there isn't any exit border control I hear that's changing.

So they don't even know who left or not. Sanctuary cities for illegal immigrants exist. Employers don't need to verify identity.

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