Seth santoro gay escort

Seth Santoro

Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. You can also subscribe without commenting. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. Way to spread the wealth bud. Gee, what a bunch of haters here, the venom in the mails speak for itseld. In fact i would even add some funds for a pornstar who gave me much pleasure on screen, depending on what he needed the funding for…the best funding is of course rent them as an escort but even then the results are often disappointing…as an overaged daddy now i DO need my pornstars, my world would be much poorer without them, so they get my respect per se..

Forget momentarily that there are people dumb enough to buy extravagant gifts for total stranger porn actors. Panhandling used to be illegal in a lot of places. Maybe it still is. The world has changed and now it seems to be OK to get rich however you can do it. Do a sex-tape Kim Kardashian , be a digital panhandler. At the heyday of gay porn in the 90s, it used to be possible to make a lot of money.

Not any more. Such is life.

Billy Santoro and Seth Santoro Share Their Sex Tape on Twitter

As some have written, the web-cammers produce better porn than a lot of the studios, and you know they are not faking their interest like G4Payers do. The only problem with web-camming is that it is real-time and you need to be in the right timezone. No doubt, digital technology will fix that, too.

Having said that, if someone is abusing you, please do not run to social media for help. A hacked Twitter account should not keep you from alerting the police, family, friends or even neighbors. What a mess. I have comments, but I know it will just stir the pot no matter how neutral or fact-driven I try to make them, so I will say nothing except that I hope they get the help they need.

That from me playing armchair psychiatrist described a pretty textbook case of abuser and abused. I truly hope that Seth gets help, but more importantly, gets away. The first step is admitting the problem. Please, Seth. Know your worth and get help. This has to be all about you now, and getting to a safe, sane place so that you can go on with your life. Please, please, please get help. I hope you come out of this as well as you can and that you move on as you need.

Which brings a whole new disturbing element into this. It turned my stomach. If so, he left that out of the interview.

If he was charging that adds to it. Thats without his consent and making him a thing.

Thats abuse on a whole new level. Yep…and someone who would sent random guys over to fuck your husband for kicks…. So, if he did collect money for it, it would not shock me. Adam, I know that sounds like the logical, sane thing to do. But to an abused person who has been exposed for at least four years of this from someone you genuinely love…. Very true. My initial reaction was more puzzled and snarky but the more I think about it, the more seriously I take it. I appreciate the dose of reality.

Thanks man. It was to hopefully get someone like Seth or anyone to maybe use FB messenger or their phone to call a loved one. Gain that support and step away before something happens that cannot be reversed. No reason for him to feel alone or lost. I know we all wanna go on SM because of how the world is and I know emotions kick in, but we also hope that survival instincts do too before he ends up more broken either emotionally or physical or worse dead.

He may be broke and beat down physically, emotionally and psychologically. I just hope that it gained him something…money, a place to stay, safety, sense of not being so alone. And a vulnerable victim of a skilled abuser can be a dangerous thing to experience. How the hell did I miss this story? Billy has a pretty questionable history in DC—he was accused of taking money from a failing bar that he either managed or owned, depending on the report it sounded like someone else was the principal owner.

As for Seth, his one notable job was as a bartender at Cobalt, although there have been rumors about less legit activities. And then there was the gofundme for Lasix. I do hope the cats can get escape all this. This pretty much confirms Seth has been physically abused by Billy in the past. I hope Seth is able to find the strength and courage to get out of this relationship. He broke the 1st rule of 21th century relationships.

Billy Santoro and Seth Santoro Share Their Sex Tape on Twitter

Interesting as fuck that Billy blocked my buddy after the Steve Pena and Jayson Smith beat down, when Billy said that every relationship he had been in had some aspect of domestic violence. Just goes to show, stupid people should stay silent. It is a shame. This gif describes it best..

2x Grabby Award Winner- Seth

Give the kid a break. I never understood why some many guys thought he was hot. Hopefully Seth will learn from this experience and be careful next time he gets into a relationship. I have absolutely nothing to back this up but has anyone else constantly gotten the impression that there was something exploitative and coercive about their relationship?

I have had much the same feeling. I live in DC and have seen them out a few times. It has been a mystery as to what Seth sees in this arrogant asshole. I am no psychologist but you can easily see the dynamic here: I doubt it was that linear and drawn-out.

Adult Entertainer- Billy Santoro

That could be the result of his early childhood environment as well as genetics. David Benjamin is a porn performer. I am pretty sure he is fine with people watching him have sex on camera. If he is bothered at all, it might be by the fact that you would use the video and not remunerate him. No blackmail. He videoed it for my site. Then he is backtracking because the studio is antiBB and will fire him if he is publicly doing BB.

Btw, my husband supports me no matter what. Most people would take that kind of love and loyalty as an incentive to try and be a better person and a good husband to make it worth it for him, not as a blank check to be an even bigger mess. Just what Seth sees in you is beyond comprehension.

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