Gay man dating transman comic

But then you could have just stayed a woman! It would have been so much easier! Would you be annoyed if a straight guy made a comic about a struggle gay guys face, got things wrong, made generalizations, and was selfish? Probably not. Hi Heath, This comment came in at 1: Those 2 panels are an actual thing that actually happened. But ultimately, yes, the comic is about me.

My boyfriend revealed to me that he is a trans man

The problems that trans men and trans women face are much more serious than my petty annoyance about sometimes being considered straight. So I tried to keep this comic tightly focused on my own experience. I can see that it would be annoying to have this story keep coming up on your dash. THere are plenty of trans men drawing comics about their experience: I am sorry that I annoyed you with this comic, though.

It is so important for a cis, gay man to be doing exactly what you are doing here, Bill. Because cis gay men will listen to a cis gay man in a way that they will never listen to trans gay men and thousands of other trans folk. This comic is amazing, and you are amazing. I really needed this beauty and awesomeness today. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Wow that was a great and extremely respectful reply to someone who needs to chill out a little. I thought you reflected real life very well. I mean we all have body types that we like or prefer or are interested in.

Im presuming that to placate such criticisms about this, youd have to have the main character in every comic being attracted to absolutely every other character in order not to exclude anyone! Whilst queer folk all around the world are still oppressed in the most basic of ways then it seems churlish to be criticising someone who discussing this issue this with an intention of respect and celebration. I just want to tell you how much love I have for you and your ability to handle people who come to your blog with concerns or rants.

The fact that a cis person is exploring and is in tune with trans issues absolutely makes a happy kitty here. Every day I see people using hashtags like fuckcispeople and things like that. Why the fuck would you do that?

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Our parts are irrelevant, we live and love the same. So when someone like you chooses to care enough to make a comic like this that makes sense…well…bloody well thank you! I probably shouldn't write comments at 5: Right, so I am not sure how clearly I said this in my longer comment: This reply seems like you may be avoiding responsibility for that kind of thinking.

DC Introduces First Transgender Character in Mainstream Comics

I should make a more widely accessible post about that. Now you say this as a problem with being known as a gay FtM and I want to point a few things which are wrong with this. Funnily enough if you were to tell them that you were an FtM who was into guys the ones I spoke to would be more likely to be convinced you were actually transgendered. This is because there are a few people out there who misgender themselves at a point and attempt to transition because they believe they should be the opposite gender if they like the gender they were born as. Lying to someone who is basically in charge of if you get hormones and surgery is stupid as hell especially where those who chose to lie normally have something to hide.

For example I knew someone who identified as MtF when they were in fact just a gay guy. They managed to get onto hormones and eventually get surgery and yet regretted it at a later date.

Orientation Police | The Amazing Adventures of Bill

All the information they chose to hide from the therapists would of shown the therapists that they were not in fact transgendered and would of saved them lots of money and a lot of other issues caused by going though with the transition. As such if they find out you are lying to them they probably wont ever be willing to issue you hormones because they wont know if you are ever telling them the truth. In fact anyone who desires to know anything about transsexuals will spend a decent enough time researching the science of it.

Well lets be honest they are your friends and family they should want to know more about who you are. I just wanted the artist to know, yet another person has been touched by his work. I never thought a gay man would be interested in a trans man for all of the reasons you have mentioned above. Now I see that I was wrong in that assumption. Why bother putting a label on it? Also, why care what other people think? This is a fantastic comic. Very relevant and well-produced.

Also, I am very impressed by the level of sanity and awesomeness in the comments. Kudos to everyone! This is a brilliant presentation a highly charged conversation.

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  6. Thank you, Bill. And, I think you have done a great service in eloquently relaying your experience and educating in the process. I have shared this with friends, and hope that many, many people see and read it. Great job! This is a really important piece of work! Once people can get past worrying about how to file people which is a very time-consuming business! Another trans woman here. Bill, I love you for doing this; it is sweet, makes me go awwwwwww, and it further dispels many of the myths and giving trans people some visibility; especially trans men! Also, I love your artistic style and how you framed the entire story and its progression.

    Finally, you get my internet hugs for the day; it took some courage to put something so personal about yourself and your boyfriend out there like this. In fact I have recently been reminded that maybe more of us should be speaking up as you are. But, I figure that means we should also be a lot more thoughtful and responsible for what we say, and really take criticism when something we say hurts someone.

    This is all in the spirit of trying to do more work against cissexism. I suppose I never really thought much about the reverse of my relationship. It always makes me sad how marginalized transmen are anyway, but this type of shaming as a problem has only just entered my awareness. I really like how this comic explores two preconceptions that I believe are far too rampant: We live in a world now where there are people of a broad range of gender identities and even the line between man and woman is quite blurred. I think a lot of people just think the game of love is a lot easier with clear labels.

    Ha, cool! Hi Sam!

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    And I love your comics! I say pish to labels. The orientation police? People certainly can care about the things they feel they should care about, kinda just like people should date the people they care about. Is that gold star very important to you? Bonus prize for me: Yup, your typical pile of virgins yapping about sex. A few of us cared greatly about centrally located bits of anatomy, but that was the minority my gang may not be typical of all gangs. Who knows? Who really cares? Kinsey, maybe….


    For, say, having sex with two people: The gold star is not a thing that anyone actually takes seriously. I wonder what a plaid star would mean? It would be a little funny if Kinsey had given out little sticker stars to his interviewees…. Thank you so much for this! Part of my work is answering questions about sexuality, and I was literally responding to someone who was asking a question just along these lines. I have a long earnest response, but in addition to that I can now share this comic which does so much, and so entertainingly!

    I look forward to checking out more of your work and hope you continue exploring these themes. This is so sweet! I previously only heard it on the L word. Well supplied indeed. As a person who wants to be caring and open and treat others well, and as a parent who wants to raise unbigoted caring kids who are free to be themselves, thank you for this.

    I do not always understand how things work a great deal of education in the comments here for me, appreciate it and as has been mentioned, I do not need to understand.

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    Wishing you well and keep drawing and writing and loving and living. No money-gaining involved, my solely aim is to inform readers, spread the word and hopefully transition into a more tolerant world. It seems that the author is still concerned about what people label him.

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