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Her mother is speaking to her in Spanish, trying to calm her down as she goes through the very particular waterfall of emotions that comes with superfandom. She darts away to start her real freak-out as she looks at the photos on the screen: After the High Line, the guys went for a photo shoot at Seventeen.

But Hecox and Padilla, both 27 years old, are no One Direction — nor are any of the slew of cherub-cheeked teens produced by the Disney machine. Like Cole and Dylan Sprouse or Drake Bell before them, their massive fandom is built on an abundance of elastic faces, simple gags, play fighting, and misheard words repeated until they sound like profanities. Yet instead of being scripted by adults, Hecox and Padilla have always been their own producers.

Yet the two have spent the last 10 years turning the things that made themselves laugh in high school into a multipronged brand turned production house. By sticking to their brand — blowing it into the far corners of the YouTube universe, replicating it with a growing cast of Smosh-minded actors, extending it onto shoot-off channels and video games and apps — Smosh have found themselves in the most secure place of the new digital celebrity universe. The Smosh network of channels — some featuring Hecox and Padilla; others, like Smosh Games , simply channeling their ethos — boasts over 35 million subscribers.

But all that could go away when their faces start looking like the faces of the dads of the kids who watch instead of the kids themselves. Their business strategy — diversifying and expanding their content, hiring more actors, and partnering with ex—Disney Television exec Barry Blumberg, who helped bring them under the umbrella of digital production house Defy Media — has been well-covered , mostly in articles that attempt to explain why adults should care about two guys whose most popular videos involve sparring with various food items.

They make it.

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Not in superhero blockbuster tentpole numbers, but in the sort with profit margins — and direct access to one of the most coveted demographics — that makes people take notice. Their appeal lies not in their difference or uniqueness. It has nothing to do with novelty or even innovation. To call Smosh facile or moronic diminishes their skill. The end products are professionally made to look like amateur products: It takes a lot of work to make something look this spontaneous. But it also makes Smosh feel far less mediated, and far more relatable, than any movie star or traditional celebrity.

When a Variety survey from asked 1, high school students, judging relatability, engagement, and generalized influence, Smosh ranked No. The reasoning is simple: Hecox played soccer for a bit; Padilla did karate for six months in sixth grade: He says this as he plows through a salad of endive and radicchio — hold the cheese — at the sort of velvet-curtained Times Square steakhouse where old-school newspapermen used to go for three-martini lunches. Padilla, a vegan, is eating a spare salad with a side of fries his publicist ordered for him, wedged next to Hecox and a cluster of publicists in a high-backed leather booth.

Middle school was rough for Hecox, Padilla less so: He glided through with that face and those eyes. Hecox was the type of guy who saved for months for a pair of K-Swiss shoes, only to be teased the first day he wore them: They moved on to high school, where Hecox ran cross-country.

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gay men and women traded dating apps for a week buzzfeed Gay men and women traded dating apps for a week buzzfeed
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gay men and women traded dating apps for a week buzzfeed Gay men and women traded dating apps for a week buzzfeed

Related gay men and women traded dating apps for a week buzzfeed

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