Gay dating someone with same name

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Like all the other Daniels so far, he's clearly comfortable in his own skin. I'm starting to realise that the reason I always go for that in-your-face confidence is that not only is it a challenge, but secretly I hope it will rub off on me. But meeting these kind, mellower Daniels has made me see that those alpha types actually made me shrink into myself, or act like someone I'm not to try and impress them.

The Daniels I've met discounting the bowling racist are generous with both their time and emotions. I'm starting to see why they make such good partners, even if I haven't met 'mine' yet. Stepping up the search, I take a stash of posters out with me on Saturday night. I also rope in my friend Ellie and together we ask the entire male population of a club what their name is. A Scottish lilt drifts into my ear, "Eh, mah nam's Dunneh. In my tiny wonky brain the voice sounds like Ewan McGregor.

I'm into it — we start chatting, mainly how great it is to be called Daniel. After a few drinks we kiss against the bar. He takes my number and messages the next day: It's Scott, nice meeting you last night! Oh sorry, hang about — Scott? The most successful Daniel so far is actually a fake. I make a mental note to research if Scotts are disingenuous opportunists, and delete his number.

A friend said you're seeking Daniels for dates.

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There's even a poster — my preferred method of attracting a mate since watching the '90s smash-hit 'You've Got Mail'. On our date, he says "Interesting!

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The next night it's Daniel 6 — Daniel Iturbe, 25, who speaks Spanish, and will therefore be known as Spaniel. We go gin-tasting — I like his vibe straight away, even though he's someone I'd probably usually bypass. But after an hour he tells me he has to go; he's forgotten he has tickets to travel back in time to sorry, to a Muse gig.

We reschedule for part two the following day.

I love all his stories about living in different in countries; I remember how attractive it is when a person can teach you new things about the world and my scepticism from the night before disappears. Ten points to the Daniels of the world.

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The Daniels have started merging into one giant mutant date in my head. I meet Daniel 9 Daniels 7 and 8 both bail last minute for dinner and instantly adore his South African accent — out of all the Daniels, he's the most 'my type'. He's got an unusual surname, which I've learnt I'm intrigued by, and is confident, but not intimidatingly so. Most of all, he can laugh at himself — something he shares with all his Daniel brethren. This trait jumps straight to the top of my new dating criteria list.

Tinder's greatest. On week eight, Tinder emails me the details of the "most liked Daniel in London". His shirtless photos make him look like a Ken doll and I would've left-swiped, if left to my own devices. I was expecting a self-obsessed "Do you even lift? What I get is the opposite: I'm really glad I fought that voice in my head that said "Not your type: I now know that the right guy for me is the one who respects me and chooses me over everyone else.

In many ways, I feel bad that you could never see how amazing I am. While I may have been so upset when our relationship ended, it made me realize who I am and what I deserve. I deserve so much more than someone putting in 50 percent. I deserve an endless amount of respect and communication. I may be single for a really long time or I may find the one tomorrow, either way, I have so much hope that one day someone can give me their all and make me feel incredible.

We are students, thinkers, influencers, and communities sharing our ideas with the world. Join our platform to create and discover content that actually matters to you. I started listening to the Jonas Brothers when I was in 6 th grade. I was awkward, I wanted to fit in simply because I was the minority in my mostly white school district. I also wanted to feel more independent since I was reaching the ripe age of Eventually, certain things came to me where I was able to gain that independence. I had no problem talking to certain adults simply because I would just be myself, and they would have absolutely no issue with it.

Then came Nick, Kevin, and Joe.

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They already had one album out called 'It's About Time', and too contrary belief became a classic for them to date. Eventually, as they made their approach to the Disney Channel, their popularity increased more and more. Soon enough, everyone knew of them. Even if they didn't even listen to their music, they still knew about them. I was what you called the stereotypical 'fangirl. In fact, I'm very thankful that social media was not as big yet.

I could not imagine going off as much as I would imagine. But there were other ways to vent. I still had some of my friends relate, but even with that, a good portion of them would tell me to stop being obsessed with them. But that only allowed my obsession to grow. Everything that they did was a news update for me. I had to keep up with them ALL the time, no matter what the condition was. I had to know what they were doing every single day. Okay, not to a point of stalking but you get the picture.

My point is that no other boy mattered at the time other than them.

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Joe was my favorite one so I had to keep up with him the most. Especially when he was dating someone.

Yes, I will admit that some of Joe's exes were not my favorite, yet I shipped the hell out of the other ones. But I will say now that as a grown woman I am no longer interfering with his relationship. I was always wondering what it would be like to even go on a date around that age. I never went on one considering how weird teenage boys truly are. Some of them want a girlfriend simply just to have one, and others just had their hormones go all nuts. The reason why I wasn't heavy on dating during that time was simply that I was trying to focus on myself and who I truly was.


I did not want to deal with any of the drama that came with a relationship because I had a lot more than I needed to worry about. Yes, did I want a guy that I thought was hot to date me of course! But it turns out looking back on it, I'm grateful that I decided to not give him the time of day.

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