Dating someone who might be gay

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He wants to get spicy in the bedroom. Again, he might just want to add some excitement to your sex life. He has had sex with men.

I know, I know! But bear with me here. Being effeminate or showing interest in his personal appearance. This is just a stereotype basically.

7 Signs Your Boyfriend Is Secretly Gay: How to Tell If He's Hiding His True Self

This has nothing to do with appearance, mannerisms, or fashion choices. Those are just the ones you tend to notice. Furthermore, I personally know several effeminate straight men. On the other hand, here are some signs that are better indicators that your boyfriend might actually have a preference for men:. You might think it's great at first when your boyfriend doesn't stare at other women, but this is extremely unusual.

Most men frequently think about sex and unconsciously look at attractive people.

James P., 8 months ago

It's not even deliberate most of the time—it's just a reflex. If an attractive woman with a rack that she can use as a shelf saunters by in a skimpy outfit and your boyfriend simply yawns and doesn't even seem to notice her, this might be a red flag that he's not into women. Straight men never had youthful noticings, or rarely had them. Usually, if a guy is closeted, he won't be obvious about this.

Even openly gay men know better than to ogle men in public, considering the negative social consequences. If you're a guy who is interested in other guys, a tiny "look" is enough. Next time you're with your man, watch for this look if an attractive man walks by. Pay attention to where his eyes are pointed.

Did a shirtless guy just walk by, and he quickly raked his eyes up and down the guy's six-pack? Did he steal a look at his crotch? Another thing to watch out for is eye contact. Just as you might look at a man that you like and there's a brief exchange of energy there between you and him, the same is true for a gay or bi guy when he interacts with a man he likes, even briefly.

Did he seem to meet eyes with another man and it lasted a little too long? Men who live in Western countries, like those of North America and Europe, usually won't make prolonged eye contact with other men, unless they're about to fight or about to get it on or both. According to Joe Kort, a psychotherapist specializing in gender and sexuality, the beach test is usually a good way to sort this one out.

You’re Not Alone

This is usually how gay men feel. If your boyfriend seems a little too eager to cuddle with his buddies, or he is very keen on being naked around them, bathing with them, or doing other potentially intimate activities with them, this is a sign that he might be attracted to men. Now, it could be that he's just very secure in his masculinity, since there's nothing inherently gay with hugging other guys, but the fact that he has to go against social norms to do this speaks volumes.

Western guys tend to show their affection for each other more with playful wrestling or fighting, if anything. However, if your boyfriend is from a non-English-speaking culture, especially South Asia, East Asian, or the Middle East, it's actually not that unusual in certain countries for men to embrace, kiss, or even walk down the street holding hands. This doesn't mean he's necessarily gay. Most straight men have no problem with gay guys.

But if your boyfriend actively hates gay men even if they have never done anything to him and never speak to him, then this is extremely telling. You've probably heard loads of stories about anti-gay preachers who were later discovered to be trolling gay hookup sites.

Many times, a man who hates the fact that he likes other men will take it out on gay people and treat them badly. At the very least, it's not unusual for a guy who is denying his sexuality to fear coming into contact with people who are living with their gayness freely. Homophobia is one of the biggest signs that your boyfriend or husband might be questioning his sexuality. Maybe he's not homophobic, but do his ears perk up when you mention that one of your friends is gay?

Does he ask a lot of questions about them? Does he seem interested in how they came out to their parents, or what other people's reactions were? Similarly, does he bring up people's sexuality a lot? Does he talk about how this or that person at his job turned out to be gay? Does he mention gay family members of his a lot? He may be interested because he himself is gay or bisexual, but may not know it yet, or simply doesn't know how to express it. Of course, if he only talks about these things occasionally, he could just be a curious guy.

Human beings like to gossip about the sexuality of others. This could mean several things. For one, your boyfriend could be asexual or he might just not be attracted to you anymore for a variety of reasons. People change and so do their tastes. Just because he's ignoring you temporarily or distracted with other things, doesn't necessarily mean he's uninterested you, either.

However, if he never really seemed that into touching you, even in the beginning of your relationship when you're supposed to be in a honeymoon period, then something is probably wrong. This sign by itself doesn't mean he's gay, but coupled with some of the other signs, it can be telling. Also keep in mind that an absence of this sign doesn't always mean he's not into men, either.

By Tony Biasotti

In other words, he could be mostly gay, but enjoy sex with women to some extent—or he could be bisexual but more on that later. Sex in the relationship might have died down for many other factors as well — including other relationship problems, work schedules, boredom, and so on. Let's say you take a look at his Facebook profile and notice that there's lots of different men on there. You also notice that a lot of them seem gay.

Maybe you notice that a lot of them aren't mutual friends with you, and in fact you had no idea that he knew these people.

Dating Tips : How to Get a Gay Guy to Like You

Even worse, if you discover that he has more than one account and has been hiding one from you, this is a definite sign that there's something he isn't telling you. If you notice that his second account has a friends list filled with dozens of strange men, then this is extremely suspicious and you should consider confronting him on this alone.

Finally--and worst of all--if you find out that he has a profile on a gay dating site, then this is a glaring, giant, neon sign. Obviously, this one seals the deal. No man joins a gay dating app or site "just for laughs.

What Is Sexual Orientation? (i.e. What Does It Mean to Be Gay?)

The paranoia will drive you crazy. The fact that it is with a man is secondary. He has breached your trust. You might feel differently, of course. The sooner you just talk to your boyfriend about it, the better. This will help establish the difference between reality and the stories that your mind might have concocted.

7 Signs Your Boyfriend Is Secretly Gay: How to Tell If He's Hiding His True Self | PairedLife

Even that person himself may not know. There is still a huge stigma against being gay. He might not have the courage to come out or he may even be in denial.

dating someone who might be gay Dating someone who might be gay
dating someone who might be gay Dating someone who might be gay
dating someone who might be gay Dating someone who might be gay
dating someone who might be gay Dating someone who might be gay
dating someone who might be gay Dating someone who might be gay
dating someone who might be gay Dating someone who might be gay

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