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You can't mumble and fumble your opener and expect to get a good response. You need to project your voice from the diaphragm.

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Five years of karaoke training have made this second nature to me, but for a lot of guys, it feels unnatural. Furthermore, it's sometimes necessary to raise the pitch of your voice in order to cut through the loud music playing at most clubs. Don't be concerned about sounding like a Chipmunks Christmas album, it's not noticeable amidst the thumping bass. Your delivery is important, too. It's minor, but because it's on TV, it seems like a glaring error. It's the same in pickup Finally, start paying attention to the rhythm of your communication.

Rhythm, expression and sexuality are all intertwined, and it's important to deliver a smooth flow, modulating things dynamically. Like, they're having a damn seizure. The girls are like, WTF?? Or sometimes, it's weird, spastic hand gestures. Or maybe they're just shifting from foot to foot incessantly. In any case, it's not long before the ladies start giving each other that "let's get the hell out of here" eye code. The point is, these things are subcommunicating a lack of confidence.

In other words, while your words might be those of a suave-ass James Bond type, the subtext is that of Steve Urkel. Just take a deep breath, and relax. This ain't brain surgery, Bucko. This is related to 2, in the sense that the perp is taking things way too seriously. The difference is, in this case, the guy is acting like he's an appointee for the Supreme Court being interrogated by the Senate Judiciary Committee. All business. Giving curt, matter of fact responses to everything the chick says. Not to engage in a job interview. Loosen up, bro.

Have a little fun yourself. Don't be afraid to act a little foolish.


Joke around. The only thing you should be thinking about is what's unfolding as you go in. Consider this: Given that, doesn't it make sense that you'd need as much "processor speed" as humanly possible in order to perceive what's happening, decide what the proper course of action is, and respond instantly?

Sure it does. Cycling through failure scenarios in your head isn't gonna do anything but rob you of that precious brainpower. Worse, that internal pollution is gonna taint the broadcast: Don't do it! Controlling the frame means controlling the context and the direction of the conversation.

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Being commanding. Too many guys will hear an unfavorable comment and just deflate and give up. Or sometimes, the girls will say something negative about them and they fall into it by addressing it. The next thing you know, the discussion is out of their control and they're faced with the distasteful choice of either digging themselves out of the hole, or giving up and ejecting. At this point, most guys do the latter. Frankly, so would I. Best to prevent things from getting to that point in the first place. That means cutting off threads thatwork against you.

That means talking over people who are saying things that don't lead the conversation in the ways you want it to go. Sometimes, it means flagrantly changing the subjectwith a ridiculous non-sequiter. Whatever works.

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Frame control can be a difficult thing to learn, but I can't stress this enough: It's absolutely necessary. The motto of the salesmen in the movie is "ABC: Always Be Closing". This is the motto of the successful pick-up artist as well. Don't get me wrong here. I don't mean you should go up to women and try to get them back to your place in the shortest time possible. Don't jump the gun This isn't a race. By the same token, however, I get frustrated when I see guys talking to these girls for hours on end without doing anything to escalate things toward a situation where things get physical.

Like, it's three hours in and they haven't even touched her on the arm.

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She's trying to resist it because she just met me, but her emotions are telling her to do it and they are taking over her logical mind. Anyway, this girl is being a brat, and she tries to shove sand down my throat. I grab a handful of sand to shove back at her, and she says "If you do that, this is over". Now most guys think "This is a test! Shove the sand down her throat like she was trying to do to me. If you do that, she'll lose state because she is more concentrated on the sand being down her throat than she is on what's happening between you and her, and then she'll lose state.

Moreover, she may have done that to LOWER my value, in order to calibrate things so that we can hook up. This is counter-intuitive, but is related to female. That said, guys are very focused on girls "losing state" as if it's a continual fire they have to keep fueling. Because if your value is high enough, her mind is still working overdrive to keep rapport with you, so laying back is not an issue.

For guys who do not have this social value though yet , then they may not be so easily able to lay back, because then the girl will just be like "Umm, he's not that cool, and this has lost my interest, so I'm going to chase the next shiny thing. With blueprints, girls are evaluating behavior patterns mainly value calibrations , and deciding whether or not to hook up with you or more likely,.

So you might get attraction as soon as you say "Hey guys". They'll be snapping their heads to talk to you, smiling, touching you, before you'd even gone any further. For other girls, they might not even show attraction for 2 or 3 minutes. But then they see something in your behavior patterns that they like, and POW they have attraction. What that means is that you just keep leading the conversation, and expect very little from her other than illusionary input where you actually laid out her answer for her but just added it in as a way of spinning the conversation.

A common way that guys blow it is that they expect fast attraction, and then they lose their composure if they don't get it. But the thing is that because of social conditioning, girls actually pathologically deny the existence of what we call "indicators of interest". Like, they'll say "I wasn't attracted to that guy", who they showed major indicators of interest for. That's why guys can screw up if they take a girl out for a "date" at a club.

The girl may chat other guys while she's there, and show attraction, but the girl THINKS that you don't know what indicators of interest look like. So if you get all upset that she's chatting other guys, then she thinks you're an idiot because in her mind all that she thinks you saw was her just chatting, even though you saw a lot more because of your experience in the game. So the same goes for when you open, if you don't get attraction.

You just pretend like you don't realize it, and keep leading the interaction until you get those indicators of interest.

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But it's ironic that the average guy might actually get more success because he's clueless and just assumes that all girls like him, and thus stays in set longer and turns them around more gradually, like a nice slow roast instead of a nuclear pressure cooker that burns the outside of the turkey before the inside can even unthaw. So what I'm talking about here is also related to a major difference in the inner game of a guy like myself or my friends, and guys who are more green to the game. A guy who is good in field has integrated as a part of his belief system that attraction is just generated by his behaviour patterns, and if the girl isn't reacting properly he doesn't get all "Ohhhh I'm soooo sad" or whatever.

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