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But we already have a diverse marketplace for online dating, and it was not created by filing class-action claims against Christian dating sites. If America is not to descend into endless tension, legislators will need to become more comfortable permitting people to associate and date as they see fit. Check out Clowndating. Article Browser Tintoretto Show in D. More articles.

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Previous articles. Most Popular. By Victor Davis Hanson. For over six years, California has had a top marginal income-tax rate of About , households in a state of 40 million people now pay nearly half of the total annual state income tax. The state legislature sold that confiscatory tax rate on the idea that it was a Read More. By Michael Brendan Dougherty. Pope Emeritus Benedict has allowed the publication of a letter he addressed to bishops and cardinals who met in February to discuss the problem of child abuse.

The letter is a collection of personal remembrances and acid observations about other churchmen, theologians, and recent Church history wrapped around an She's not a fan. By Andrew C.

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Here are a few things we know, and a few to think about, with respect to the arrest of Julian Assange by British police in London. Assange wore out his welcome with Ecuador, which hosted him for seven years. The Brits have a comparatively minor charge against him: By Jonah Goldberg. By John McCormack. By Jack Crowe. And he knows better. PC Culture. By Katherine Timpf. A student at Michigan State University actually filed a bias complaint against his roommate for watching a Ben Shapiro video. The student woke up from a nap last September and noticed his roommate watching the video, The College Fix reports.

Apparently horrified by this discovery, he then filed a bias By David French. On the heels of the metoo movement came churchtoo? Lisa Bevere shares how the New Testament shows people of different genders working together for the good of all. We live in a world of broken relationships. Theologian Stanley Hauerwas says that "the heart of the gospel is that you don't know Jesus without the witness of the Church. Writer and hip-hop artist, Sho Baraka, explores the history of the Christian faith, why its growth has slowed in western societies, and how the Church can reclaim our role as witnesses of Christ.

Listen in on a challenging conversation that sets up many of the important conversations we should be having as we thoughtfully navigate our changing culture. Q will prepare you to explore what renewal and faithfulness might look like in society. Research suggests that pornography is a "new narcotic" with equally powerful effects on the brain as addictive drugs. In a globalized world, how can we overcome the temptations and tragedies of technology? Jefferson Bethke believes the answer lies within the problem.

His challenging talk will address a serious issue in today's society. One-third of people viewing porn are women, but this demographic is largely unaddressed when pornography addictions are discussed. Audrey gives voice to an issue too often kept quiet, and bears witness to the power of freedom from addiction, even amidst a culture that condones porn and exploitation. A journalist for The New York Times and author of The Road to Character, David Brooks is an expert in communicating the role of character in our society and how it brings about positive change.

Contrary to popular understanding, Islam's populations and influence reaches far beyond the Middle East.

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Muslims make up a majority of the population in 49 countries around the world, and is the fastest growing religion according to the Pew Research Center. As Islam integrates into Western Societies, is peace and pluralism really possible? Listen in as Paul Marshall suggests a way forward that addresses this very question and Shadi Hamid, a New York Times bestselling author and expert on Islamist movements explains what Christians could learn from Islam.

Renown artist, Dana Tanamachi, is a self-defined, "Texas-bred, Seattle-based graphic designer who enjoys living a quiet life and working with her hands. Listen in as Jordan Raynor provides a framework for how to embrace entrepreneurship and creativity as a means of glorifying God, loving others, and making disciples of Jesus Christ.

By many metrics, incarceration rates are growing in America with valid concerns about a "cradle-to-prison" pipeline in certain regions. With thirty-one states currently supporting the death penalty backed by a moral, "an eye for an eye," position, how should Christians engage? Author and activist, Shane Claiborne, believes the Church must be pro-life no matter who is under threat.

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As an advocate for the abolition of the death penalty, he explains how prison reform is the natural outflow of every Christian's call to value and protect life. In our culture, he who tells the best story wins.

Creating great narratives that produce epiphanies involves a particular talent that applies far beyond film and changes the way you write books, marketing copy, funding proposals, research reports, sermons, and so much more. Bobette Buster has built and sustained a long, respected career in the film industry by being the best at finding and developing epiphanies in some of the greatest movies we've all enjoyed.

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The majority eat only one meal together as a family during regular work week due to conflicting schedules, and many are waking up to the harm our bodies experience from fast, manufactured food. Danielle Walker, New York Times bestselling author of the Against All Grain series of recipe books, gives perspective on how food brings people together to connect, build relationships, and nourish our bodies and spirits. Growing up with parents who were gay, Caleb Kaltenbach was part of the gay rights movement from an early age. But when he became a Christian, his parents were furious, having seen so much hatred aimed at them from the Christian community.

Caleb - who eventually became a pastor - shares his story of how he journeyed through this disagreement with his parents and gained empathy for those who think differently. VOMO is powering today's movement of volunteers to change the world.

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  8. VOMO makes volunteering easy and effortless. VOMO is powering a global volunteer movement by providing people and organizations with the technology needed to initiate projects, connect to community causes, and to measure and amplify the impact of community volunteering. America was a divided nation since her founding. How can we understand the differences and appreciate their origins? Bestselling author, Colin Woodard suggests that America is an amalgamation of 11 different regions.

    While many still wonder what led to a Trump election, Colin saw the writing on the wall through his research and understanding of how America works.

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    Hear his unique perspective on overcoming our differences by understanding where we come from and where we? What are the rights all women should possess and live out? Noel Yeatts of World Help shares the state of women across the world today and the opportunity that can come from focusing on the true global issues facing women. What are you doing with your freedom of choice? We live in an age of innovation, and a debate is raging about whether technology is improving our lives or making them worse. But Kevin Kelly, co-founder of Wired Magazine, says we? He believes we need to find out what technology is really after.

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