Blue gay dating app

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Browse unlimited guys in your neighborhood or use our travel feature to meet anywhere in the world. Follow whoever you're interested and stay updated on their latest post in timeline and their live stream. Photos, videos or live streaming depicting nudity or sex acts are strictly prohibited. For troubleshooting and issues, please contact support blued.

Recent Updates: Less distractions! All private Live invitations are now in only one notification. Join freely! Group owners can now automatically approve new members to join their groups. Share your local videos, as well as more interesting things! Synching your Instagram is now simpler.

Blued (app)

Easily share your moments with your friends! Who are the hot guys around you?

Find the one you are looking for! You can own more than one account now. Multiply the fun with your new account!

Blued: China's top gay dating app puts a freeze on new users after underage criticism - CNN

Takes your money, bans you with no warning. I never went LIVE but the content watchers of this app are very biased in their banning.

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If you are new and expose yourself you are banned but if you get up in level and many people spend money on the host then you can expose yourself. Do not give this app any money. As this app ages it gets worse and worse.

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This is a lie. We have received your feedback and comprehended your question. We're deeply sorry for brought you the bad experience. We are equal to every user. Blued is an equal and warm community, which is also a platform for you to be yourself and find your friends. To offer a good community and protect other users, we have no choice but to ban the live which didn't follow the Community Guidelines.

The world’s most popular gay dating app is made in China

Porn is not allowed in live. Please always keep the guidelines in mind while broadcasting. Thanks for your understanding and cooperation! I have the app on my phone and iPad. After update to the latest version 2. I will give you 5 stars if this problem is solved. App Store Preview.

This app is only available on the App Store for iOS devices. Your pictures and blinks can be deleted automatically after 5 secs; - [Message Recall]: Regret having sent a message? You can recall it within an hour; - [New Faces]: Besides new users and newly-changed profile photos, you can also see guys who just arrived in your area now; - [My Account]: Account management renewed, multiple login options now available; - [My Wallet]: Now easier for you to check your Gifts and Balance.

Add 8 masks with all kinds of designs; - [Timer]: Add 8 masks with all kinds of designs; - Bug fixed and other improvements. Now more easier for you to check your Gifts and Balance; - [Profile]: Swipe left or right on Profile page to check other users on the list; - [New Faces] Upgrade: Your pictures and blinks can be deleted automatically after 5 secs; - Live Streaming performance improved, stability enhanced; - Bug fixed and other improvements.

Special for supporters in Live room, enjoy the privileges of each level; - Video Call: Upgrade to a mini-video model, you can explore nearby pages and message box while calling; - Security Update: When Ma Baoli got his first crush on a man while training at the police academy in , he thought he was sick. Chinese criminology textbooks taught young police cadets like him that homosexuality was a perversion. It was not until Ma read Lan Yu, a novel published anonymously online about a tragic love story between two men, that he finally accepted himself as a gay man.

The online gay dating scene in China was booming in early s. Living in the small coastal city of Qinghuangdao, Ma led a double life. In public, he was an upstanding married cop on the fast-track to a deputy director post. After some initial setbacks, his business soared following a documentary that made him famous in as the policeman who ran a gay website, but it also cost him his stable job and his marriage. The relationship is reciprocal to some extent.

Blued runs a charity branch that provides free HIV testing services in dozens of Chinese cities. In June last year, an internet crackdown banning gay along with sexual abuse and violence content online caused a huge backlash. Ma described a meeting with an official who was involved in rolling out the regulation.

He was once young and depressed, but he is now a businessman trying to the bridge the gap between his users and the government. The Chinese government may be shutting out the LGBT community, but Chinese capital is already eyeing the pink economy. In , Blued bought into Hornet, another US-based competitor, to help its global expansion.

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He plans to take Blued public in the US within three years. It also provides platforms for live-streaming, e-commerce and health services like connecting Chinese gay men who want to build families with surrogacy agencies in the US. Ma recently had his son Xiao Shu through one such agency.

  1. A humble start.
  2. Thriving in a narrow space.
  3. gay dating wikihow!
  4. China's top gay dating app stops accepting new users after claims it put minors at risk.
  5. Private Gay Social App.
  6. ‎Blued - Gay Video Chat on the App Store?
  7. iPhone Screenshots.
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