Tips for gay dating apps

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This may seem like an exercise in vain, especially when you could be using those valuable minutes browsing through profiles, but knowing exactly what you want gives you focus and sends a positive message of who you'd like to attract. Have you ever wondered how some of these online guys come up with their screen names?

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I'm always baffled by the funny spellings and the creative phrases they use, especially while I'm staring at my monitor trying to come up with an eight letter word that will live with me the entire time I'm on the site. Rest assured, you don't need to come up with an award-winning screen name to attract attention. Often times I use a favorite song title or a word from my favorite movie- something that will spark interest or prompt other hopeless romantics to look at my profile.

Screen names are like billboard headlines, which invite others to at least check out the product. Online, I've found that the more abstract the screen name, the more guys will message me and ask questions, which ultimately leads to a conversation- the best way to assess a match. Keep in mind, screen names can also be a deterrent. So think about the image you want to present. A name like "lookn4luv" is more likely to attract the romantic types than "easystevie".

Even the goriest of movies never show the most graphic scene on the DVD cover. They leave something to mystery, plus they don't want to scare potential viewers away.

8 Tips for Creating the Perfect Gay Dating App Profile No Man Can Resist

A man who values an intellectual thriller is not likely to rent a movie with exposed intestine on the cover. Keep the intrigue by saving the details until you and your dream man are intimate for the first time. Show a little chest or even a leg, but if you wouldn't show it in public don't show it online. By keeping your pics on the PG or R-rated scale you're showing your suitor that you're about more than just about sex.

Graphic shots may get more quantity, but it's the quality of man you're looking for. Profile headlines can be a vehicle to attract the man you want, but they can also serve as the first line of defense against the man you don't. Think of your headline as an expanded version of your marketing screen name. Use this space usually characters long to describe your interests or the interests you desire in a man. Elaborate on where your screen name originates or try giving a catchy intro to who you are as a person.

Come find out! The first example is likely to attract a guy that's into travel like you are while the second shows your prospect that you are open to dating. Use your ad section as just that- an ad!

You have a short amount of space to show your personality and call your dream guy to action. Now that your catchy screen name and headline attracted a guy, clinch the deal with your ad text. Use the list you made earlier to help you write about your interests, including what you like and dislike in a man.

You can mention your education, hobbies, or quirky personality traits. If you're a witty guy, give them a little taste. If you're the more reserved type, say so. I'm more attracted to a guy who's told me a little about himself more than one that is vague or leaves too much to wonder. How intriguing is it for a writer to find out that someone loves fiction or for a sci-fi movie lover to discover that someone has the entire Star Wars collection?

Grindr, Scruff and Other App Hook Ups

These details may seem out of place for sites known for quick hookups, but relationship-oriented guys browse these sites too and your purpose is to find a date or long-term relationship which is about compatibility on levels beyond the physical. This point is very simple — listen carefully to your inner voice. As mentioned earlier, the 10 online hook up safety tips offered here are not exhaustive.

My hope is to spark conversation and awareness around this issue with the hope of promoting personal safety. Speaking of personal safety, if you are ever in a situation where you are being attacked, please consider reading my personal self-defense tips. Sign in or sign up and post using a HubPages Network account. Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites. Huge thanks for the great tips. I know that's hard to meet nice guys who are looking for a relationship So now that's not a problem for me. I met a lot of cute guys and my current BF online.

If you're curious just go to http: There are many guys who is interested in a committed relationship or Also, none of my photos shows up on reverse search.

I have tried it. Are my photos real? Personally I disagree with using a fake name and not giving out your real phone number. I reverse image search every single picture a guy sends me.

Don't Be a Complete Jerk on Gay Dating Apps | GQ

If nothing pops up I ask if they have a snapchat or a phone number. If they have a phone number I use it to check them out on facebook. Basically if any of your pictures aren't yours Ill know from reverse image searching , if you claim you don't have snapchat unlikely , if your facebook search comes back with a different name than you told me, and you refuse to give out your phone number you are automatically blocked.

I expect to know exactly who I am dealing with and have a way of confirming that unless you want to meet in person first, which can be a nuisance for random hookups. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. HubPages and Hubbers authors may earn revenue on this page based on affiliate relationships and advertisements with partners including Amazon, Google, and others. To provide a better website experience, pairedlife. Please choose which areas of our service you consent to our doing so. For more information on managing or withdrawing consents and how we handle data, visit our Privacy Policy at: Gay Men: Updated on June 20, CB Jones more.

Grindr, Scruff and Other App Hook Ups In recent weeks and months, it seems like we have been hearing more and more incidents where something bad has happened to gay men as a result of hooking up online. Use a Fake Name When you start talking with someone online, be it on the computer or a phone app, you should think very carefully about what you provide.

No X Pics With Face If you send a stranger an X picture that includes your face, you have just given that person the ability to potentially extort from you. Yes - I've done it and its fun! No - It scares me and so I don't I am thinking about it but nervous Just a few times and it was a bad experience See results. Meet Somewhere Public At least for the initial meeting, it is strongly encouraged that you meet at a public place.

Dating Tips for LGBTQs

Use a Buddy System A buddy system is a 25 cent term for letting a close friend know trust that you are going out on a hook up. Think about it. Pay Attention to His Intent When you are texting with your potential hook up, be aware of his intent. Talk to the Person on the Phone One way to screen for problems is to take the time to talk to the person on the phone.

Listen to Your Gut This is perhaps the most important tip of all. Final Thoughts As mentioned earlier, the 10 online hook up safety tips offered here are not exhaustive. Questions must be on-topic, written with proper grammar usage, and understandable to a wide audience. Narcissism and Personality Disorders. You can leave out a lot of info and enjoy yourself.

Great advice!

Sign In Join. Having fixed ideas of what you want — which usually boil down to looks and little else — could be standing in your way of meeting some great guys. Not only is this far too prescriptive, you also run the risk of coming across as overly negative. Say what you like to do, who you want to be with, and why people should date you. This is becoming a bigger issue in the gay dating world. All this liberation and equality is leading to increased bigotry among us. What does that even mean?

1. Get a trick phone

If you like someone enough, open your mind to other possibilities.

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