Gay orc dating

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Tusks: The Orc Dating Sim Has Many Gay Orcs, One Human

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See all deals. Thus, to this I say: That's both me wanting to show mental illness isn't a hyperbolic and grim, but something that happens to people we should be able to talk about. Also it touches on my own experiences with mental illness too so maybe I'm a little less afraid of talking to people about it as well. Can we talk about your mental illness?

I have depression and social anxiety—which, as mental illnesses go, are fairly common. I have a fairly good handle on both in my day-to-day life, which I'm very thankful for, because it means I can make games like Tusks without just giving up out of a sense of fatalism.

It also means I can do interviews like this one without freaking out that I've said something stupid. Brains are weird, weird things.

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So how has your background informed Tusks? The most obvious is the setting: I live in Scotland, and Tusks takes place in a semi-mythical version of the country. I also wanted Tusks to be a game that people could play and see recognizable elements.


Most of the characters in Tusks are fat is because I'm fat as well. It's hard to see positive images of fat people in any medium, let alone queer games. A lot of the characters have scars, physical and mental disabilities, markings, body hair, and stretch marks. Again, those are things that inform the life of a lot of gay men like me in very specific ways, but rarely get represented positively.

There are even small personal elements, the orcs of Tusks travel the country and assemble with others like them every so often.

Tusks: The Orc Dating Sim Has Many Gay Orcs, One Human | SegmentNext

That's reflective of my own family's history as fairground travelers. The character I find fascinating is the orc with one arm. Ah, that's Ferdag. We so rarely see characters in games with disabilities—even in the ones that are all about war, violence, shooting, maiming, stabbing, and slashing.

  • This Gay Orc Dating Sim Is All About Inclusivity and Diversity.
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  • There's A Gay-Orc Dating Sim—And It's All Kinds Of Awesome | NewNowNext.
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That's partially due to perceived issues with modeling characters. But it's also due to well-meaning but self-defeating worry about not representing disabled people perfectly, of the feeling that disabled bodies are taboo, dangerous, and non-sexual. Ferdag is your typical mercenary warrior whose arm had to be amputated due to severe injury, and who has had to find new ways to adapt to the warrior life.

Tusks: The Orc Dating Sim

They definitely are a growing market. There's a surge of interest in exploring games by, for and about members of marginalized groups of all kinds, including those who're members of marginalized gender and sexual orientations. It's interesting also that the focus isn't primarily on sex. There are probably more games that aren't specifically about sex. What do you feel Tusks is providing that other games in this space aren't? Tusks provides a story and a mythology that's usually centered around straight folk but in this case is unequivocally gay. And without any caveat attached to it like, "It's gay if you kinda read it this way," or "It's gay, but it's a tragic love story that ends horribly," or "One of these characters is gay and it's not like, A Thing, and also you never see them kiss anyone so it's not all in your face about it.

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