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A post shared by Karamo karamobrown on Mar 22, at 9: Karamo looks good in a shirt and even better without it. Yay for more chances to see Karamo on TV in ! A post shared by Stefan derschtefan on Sep 13, at 2: A fan of dance and yoga, this hunk of a man has a gentle side and a sense of humor. He is also fond of undressing and flaunting his body, yum! Andrea is often seen posing for pics in Milan and has been known to dance at one or two kinky parties.

When did you first decide you were gay?

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A post shared by Lukas Daken lukasdaken on Dec 6, at 1: By Sarah Turner. By Justin Myers, The Guyliner. Your age is a number, only ever going up, up, up — but rather than break you, let it take your spirit with it, and soar. Beware the Twitter message that rekindles old flames. By Hugo Rifkind. Which one is the man and which one is the woman? When did you first decide you were gay? Having sex with a man doesn't make you gay. Justin Myers, The Guyliner 03 Aug By Sarah Turner 17 Nov How to be a man Why you should never act your age Your age is a number, only ever going up, up, up — but rather than break you, let it take your spirit with it, and soar.

By Hugo Rifkind 17 Jul NSQ is supposed to be a helpful resource for confused redditors.

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Questions along the lines of "was I raped? Tasteless or disturbing questions regarding loli, pedophelia, murder, violence or other sketchy or disgusting subject matter are not welcome here. You are welcome to ask good faith questions about such topics but be aware such threads may be locked or removed if necessary to preserve the integrity of the subreddit. Other questions not asked in good faith - such as putting a rant or hate towards any group in the form of a question.

Any questions we suspect of being leading questions or asked merely to promote an agenda or sealioning will be removed. Answered If gay guys find me attractive, then am I just a generally hot guy or only to gay people? If gay guys find me attractive, then am I just a generally hot guy or only to gay people? So I act in a way that a lot of people take as being kinda gay.

I act kinda camp, I have a lot of female friends, no girlfriend, sit with my legs crossed this is a stereotype apparently and Because of this, I make some gay jokes too which reinforce the idea. Not that it bothers me. But eventually I was at an event where one of my female friends introduced me to her friend. I made some small talk for a bit and left, and she told me that the friend was very gay and talked about how cute I was for like 40 minutes after I left, and asked if I was single.

I told her I could probably get myself a boyfriend if I wanted one and she agreed. Like we have a question, a hypothesis people generally have individual standards of beauty, though trends do exist within certain demographics, like the gay community , and an experiment to test this hypothesis. If the experiment proves the hypothesis, then we have a theory. The experiment is me downloading 2 dating apps, a gay one, and a straight one.

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I will not initiate any conversations in either of these, then keeping track of how much success I get in both. Then maybe a line graph showing both? Obviously it depends on the person, different people are into different people. But there isn't a totally different hotness system gay guys vs straight women use. They tend to more or less agree.

See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Gay dudes are first and foremost As in, they want to fuck as much and as often as any straight dude does. I won't speak for you but every single straight guy I know agrees that while the scale is useful for measuring attractiveness, when it comes down to it there really only is the binary scale, , would or would not fuck.

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  • It's the same for gay dudes. And I've witnessed first hand my friends who are 8s or 9s going ALL OUT for a girl who's like a 6 at best because they want to fuck her and think they have a good shot. Not saying this is the case in your situation but gay guys, too, would fuck the majority of dudes in their age range and will often go all out if they're horny and are tryna smash. Regardless of if that dude is a 9 or a 6.

    Adding to this, perceiving that another guy is gay means the odds of actually having sex drastically increase versus any other guy, which means you're instantly hotter than you were before. I don't really see how that brings him down lol, you've just told him he's gonna get laid either way. Well,I think what they're saying is that women will want to fuck OP as well. Not necessarily that he's hot, but fuckable by both men and women. It's not unless you are a dam dirty caveman.

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    Reddit gold for the binary analogy! Had me chuckle as I read that, me being a computer nerd. I mean, YMMV, but there are lots of dudes who are really into big dudes like the guy who plays Hodor. Nothing against him, but he doesn't really fit the chick magnet description. Gay men are men. They are going to tend to be more demonstrative of their attraction than women are. If gay men find you attractive, you can assume women do, too.

    This is under the assumption that gay men and straight women find the same qualities attractive in men tho. Yes there will be variations from one person to another, but those variations won't be because the man is gay. No, I'm saying that men and women find different qualities attractive, and just because the man is gay doesn't mean these differences won't exist. I've often wondered something similar. I'm by no means hot.

    I was always awkward and goofy looking, but I did alright. This one gay guy was in love with me, and wanted me to join a band with him to help him write a song about unrequited love. Another skinny black guy called me the "man with the sexy voice". I'm half white and part Mexican. I'm a fucking goofy looking blonde guy with a Mexican accent, since I grew up in San Diego. Not wanting to burst the bubble of op, I do agree that in my experience dudes gay and not just have lower standards.

    Obviously this is a generalization, but large numbers you definitely see it. I think okcupid even had the numbers to back it up. Of course the men will be more demonstrative and more responsive but that applies to every other man too. Well, also straight men can understand handsomeness so despite personal preference more or less it is objective observation.

    Assuming gay men are like straight men, they're significantly less picky than women.

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