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The relationship was discovered and reported to his bishop, and he has not had sex since. Another priest, when asked if he had ever considered himself as having a partner, wondered what that even meant. He paused, before mentioning one very special friend. Though open, the closet means that many priests have held the most painful stories among themselves for decades: The seminarian who died by suicide, and the matches from a gay bar found afterward in his room. The priest friends who died of AIDS. The feeling of coming home to an empty rectory every night.

So they find ways to encourage one another. Some have signed petitions against church-sponsored conversion therapy programs, or have met on private retreats, after figuring out how to conceal them on their church calendars. Some may call this rebellion.

Just over a year ago, after meeting with a group of gay priests, Father Greiten decided it was time to end his silence. At Sunday Mass, during Advent, he told his suburban parish he was gay, and celibate. They leapt to their feet in applause. His story went viral. A year-old priest called him to say he had lived his entire life in the closet and longed for the future to be different. A woman wrote from Mississippi, asking him to move south to be her priest. To some church leaders, that outpouring of support may have been even more threatening than his sexuality.

Father Greiten had committed the cardinal sin: He opened the door to debate. His archbishop, Jerome E. Listecki of Milwaukee, issued a statement saying that he wished Father Greiten had not gone public. The idea that gay priests are responsible for child sexual abuse remains a persistent belief, especially in many conservative Catholic circles.

Top 10 most gay friendly countries in the world - Updated 12222

For years, church leaders have been deeply confused about the relationship between gay men and sexual abuse. Study after study shows that homosexuality is not a predictor of child molestation. This is also true for priests, according to a famous study by John Jay College of Criminal Justice in the wake of revelations in about child sex abuse in the church. The John Jay research, which church leaders commissioned, found that same-sex experience did not make priests more likely to abuse minors, and that four out of five people who said they were victims were male.

The notion that a certain sexual identity leads to abusive behavior has demoralized gay priests for decades. Days after one man retired, he still could not shake what his archbishop in the s told all the new priests headed to their first parish assignments. He meant a predator, like serial predator. This perception persists today at prominent Catholic seminaries. At the largest in the United States, Mundelein Seminary in Illinois, few ever talk about sexual identity, said one gay student, who is afraid to ever come out.

Since last summer, when Mr.

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  4. “We have to get it right when it comes to sexuality.”.
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  7. McCarrick was exposed for abusing young men, students have been drilled in rules about celibacy and the evils of masturbation and pornography. Priests across the country are wondering if their sacrifice is worth the personal cost. Am I going to hide? Become hardened, and old? Blaming gay men for sexual abuse is almost sure to be a major topic this week at the Vatican, at a much-anticipated four-day summit on sexual abuse. It is an amazing life. I am fascinated with the depth and sincerity of parishioners, the immense generosity. I tune into that, because it sustains me.

    That is far from my mind now. The event has worried gay priests. A few years after the scandal, the Vatican banned gay men from seminaries and ordination. A group of gay priests in the Netherlands recently took the unusually bold step of writing to Pope Francis, urging him to allow gay, celibate men to be ordained.

    He wished he could talk to Pope Francis himself. They recalled stopping at a steakhouse in Amarillo for dinner one night. Polis told Mr. Reis at the time. Reis, a vegan, is slim and baby-faced, with an abiding love of animals and Halloween. He and Mr. Polis met in Boulder in , when Mr.

    Reis was finishing college. He taught Mr. Polis about Romantic literature; Mr. Polis taught him about baseball. He worked as a freelance writer, volunteered for L. Reis plans to make animal welfare one of his signature causes as First Gentleman of Colorado — his new title — and proceeds from the inaugural ball will support, among other organizations, the Wild Animal Sanctuary in Keenesburg.

    Polis had been interested in politics for years, but Mr. Reis joked — and slowly grew more comfortable in his place among the congressional spouses, even as something of an odd man out. They made hilarious comparisons. Polis made his first congressional run, he came out publicly in a local newspaper article.

    Under the Table

    By then, he and Mr. Reis had been together for years, but because of his political aspirations, Mr. Reis said. And Mr. Polis has been subjected to slurs and threats; in his first campaign, he received so many pieces of hate mail that he began to tack them up. More of the attacks were anti-Semitic rather than homophobic, Mr. But it is not gone. He shrugged it off. If anything, Mr. Polis added, his orientation may have actually mobilized voters who saw in him a fellow traveler outside the status quo, persecuted or maligned: His victory is all the more notable for taking place in Colorado, which offers, at the moment, a certain, if largely white, glimpse of the country in miniature, split between Democrats, Republicans and independents.

    In the elections, Coloradans elected not only Mr. Polis; they voted in Joe Neguse, the son of Eritrean immigrants, to Mr. Polis said — but Colorado holds a central and complicated place in the history of L. It carries, Mr.

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    The first major Supreme Court victory for the gay-rights movement, Romer v. Evans , came in in response to Amendment 2, a Colorado constitutional amendment that prohibited the passage of laws specifically protecting gays and lesbians from discrimination. I love your website and will continue reading it. I lead one too.

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