Masculine gay dating

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Let's get Is it simple? Why did you develop the app? Did you set out to cater for straight men, then?

Date masculine-gay-man man

Written by Ciaran Varley. Originally published 29 January You're mostly right about that. There, "masculine" has become codespeak for normal. I see them everyday. It's really the oddball who's all musclebound or pierced and prissy. This discussion of "masculinity" is tired and going nowhere.

It's like talking about how "homosexual" a person is.

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Is "homosexual most of the time but can have sex with women," or is it "sex with men" only??? Or is it "have sex with women but only have emotional connections with guys"? Or is it "have sex with guys but only have emotional connections with women"? That is also true of masculinity - there is a wide, wide spectrum of that. What matters is that you find what you are comfortable and happy with. And there is absolutely no need to discriminate against those who are not on the same spot of the spectrum with you.

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  6. Hell, I've heard a comment from a gay friend that Vin Diesel isn't "masculine" enough for him if Vin was gay. Right, R69, it's fem guys who are most likely to use the term 'nerds'. Sounds like something a nerd would say. You can't control what you're attracted to. If I'm looking for dick online and I need to describe what I'm looking for, I use the term 'masculine' because it's slightly more descriptive than 'normal'.

    It's usually obvious that 'masculine' does not mean 'muscleheaded caricature'. Unfortunately, on DL it seems to mean that. Have you seen the pic threads? Older ballooned-out grizzled types or slightly younger ballooned-out orange-skinned types. And what IS up with your use of the term nerd?

    Do you see that as some kind of put-down of a natural normal guy? I hope this is not what you are saying, because if it is, then that is discrimination, no doubt. It's like straight men calling gay men "not normal" just because gay men cannot enjoy having sex with women as much as thety do. You have more than two run-on sentences.

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    I can't understand what you are trying to get across. Sorry about that. Butch or femme, if a guy's smart, sexy and happy in his own skin, then I'll probably find a place in my bed for him. Anyone's who's too hung up on how 'masculine' they appear to others is probably dull as old dishwater and not nearly as butch as they think they are.

    I'm considered masculine and am out at my job, I'm very athletic and play football and have challenged and beat younger straight dudes I'm in my early 30s that I work with in hockey, my favorite sport. I agree with an earlier poster who said masculinity is LEARNED at a young age through socialization with other boys and that straight men don't have a lock on masculinity. Which brings me to my next point about how I hate that stupid ass term "straight acting", if you wanna say your masculine say your masculine like me, but how "straight acting" are you if your sucking dick and most straight guys are pussies amyway, especially when they get a longterm girlfriend and are "pussy whipped", so why would I wanna identify myself with a bunch of dudes who are pussies and who I could easily beat in sports.

    If your entire existence revolves around what straight men think of you then your not very masculine, since it means that you lack confidence and confidence is the most masculine thing. My best friend is hot and bisexual and in a long relationship with a woman, we've never fooled around because he doesn't wanna cheat, but if he ever broke up with her he told me he would wanna pursue a relationship with me if I were single.

    He's my bro and I love this guy as a friend, and he's one of the most masculine guys I ever met and he's not straight either so enough. I hate the term "straight acting too," but apparently it conveys precisely what people are trying to communicate very well. I think "masculine" should be used to convey the same idea, but people tend to reflexively say "straight acting.

    how to tell if a masculine guy is gay - pano t

    Your not that smart when it comes to "your" vs "you're," are you, masculines? But you're masculinity makes up for it, I'm sure. We hunt together, go camping and fishing, spot each other when benching at the gym drink shots together, watch every sports game together, wrestle and do jujitsu together, we'll also beat each other up and box each other for the hell of it.

    We rip ass and burp in front of each other openly and even piss and shit in front of one another in the woods when we go camping we don't use no pussy ass tent. He like me feels the same way about feminine gay guys it's just like dating a woman with a penis and were both repulsed by them sexually. You know, its funny, but I have re-read that press release three times now, and no where in it does it say what you are claiming it says.

    Weird, huh? Its almost as if you didn't really read what was written and decided to just shoot your mouth off about something of which you know nothing. I'd love to meet masculine gay men, but I fear I'll have to make do with meeting space aliens instead. Truly masculine men, like myself, are able to laugh at themselves and act girly every now and then. The ones who don't are always fronting and such pussies in real life. R89 they do exist, just a lot of them ain't open about it, which come to think of it, isn't very masculine to not be open with who you are.

    When I tell people I'm gay, I've had other people swear that I'm joking with them, hell I've been to gay bars and have guys come up to me and ask me if I'm straight! REAL men never cry in public, don't give a shit about clothes or fashion and don't gossip behind people's backs, they always deal with a problem head on, and REAL men aren't afraid to physically fight for something they believe in even if you know you're gonna get your ass beat, never back down from anothet dude. REAL men exude confidence, and are competitive with other males, but also have their buddies back.

    Another thing, REAL men never compare themselves to a woman or even see themselves in a woman even if it's a "strong woman". REAL masculine gay men should also never worship a straight guy and you should never feel inferior to them either. They're not better than you just because they like pussy, you're both men and are on the same playing field, you can be just as if not more masculine than most straight guys, who come to think of it aren't very masculine themselves. I know of plenty of masculine dudes that never act girly. When I think about the things a masculine man would typically do, sitting around with a bunch of strangers in a community center talking about feelings is not high on the list.

    The 10 Level Guide To Meeting Masculine Gay Men – Cypher Avenue

    All gay MEN are masculine, there are just some trans effete girls sometimes ufairly mixed with our community. They tend to just be regular dudes who happen to be into dudes, which is what I prefer. No disrespect to gay dudes. Because I am bi, you claim of self-loathing fails by definition. Being attracted to masculine men does not mean you're homophobic or self loathing.

    Is BRO a dating app for straight men to meet straight men?

    Being attracted to masculine men means you are attracted to masculine men. That's all.


    End of story.

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