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Castro has softened his stance on gay rights, but the rest of Cuba is still catching up

The one on the left was a macho boy, all muscles and cool hair. On the right, linking arms with him, was a petite girly-boy, camping it up and twirling a parasol. Trailing slightly behind them came a third, gender-neutral. In pre-revolution times, Cuba was known to tolerate maricones — up to a point. The larger population centres had a few gay bars, often with appropriate names like the Dirty Dick.

Homosexuality was classified with prostitution and organized crime, both of which were thriving industries at the time, however illegal. By the late s, when Fidel Castro and his guerrilleros came to power, homosexuality was viewed as a form of capitalist decadence at best and counter-revolutionary deviance at worst. Little wonder, for it was a revolution spawned by machismo and which soon came to be marked by a close alliance with the USSR, another regime fostering openly hostile attitudes and policies toward gay people.

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In the s, the climate only worsened. That same year, a national program was set up ostensibly to provide an alternative to military duty.

Times changed. His niece, Mariela Castro, has taken up the rights of transgender people with gusto. Sex reassignment surgery is now free to eligible citizens. But ordinary Cubans, it seems, are not ready to listen just yet. The city is now a tourist destination, and the bar in question is famous for its transvestite shows. They also named a nearby park in Old Town that is a cruising ground at night.

I asked if it is peligroso — dangerous.

The effeminate one laughed. What about the park around Coppelia? No, they told me. It was closed at night a causa de los gais. Because of the gays. Little wonder: The Cuban Association of Gays was formed in , during a thaw in relations between gays and the state, but disbanded in after its members were arrested. On the other hand, I watched a popular Cuban sitcom with a male character in drag. OK vs. Grade A meat? Its complicated. The rent boys on the street want to stick to a tourist for days.

They are warm and nice and give you the boyfriend experience but the objective is to get as much money as possible with no negotiated 1-time 1-fuck price. I have 2 friends who have gone there for years for this this sort of thing. They even bring back cuban rent boys to europe for a spell. The rent boys have nothing, no future. They want to make a nest egg on gay men from rich countries.

Its not particularly expensive.

Aquí, en la lucha…! Pingueros and Contemporary Metaphors of Survival

I know upper middle class guys who do this. The boys on the street by the way, are not "trash". They are poor. Poor does not equal trash. There is not a lot of crime in Cuba. There are not upscale rent boys. Any really handsome and studly and clever Cuban who want to be a "classy escort" leaves Cuba on an invitation and then stays in Europe to make the European price.

The author thought it funny that he did encounter some old ex-prostie and laughed about there still being some relic of the Batista area and the old lust. Russia's ceasing to be Cuba's benefactor hurt the economy severely. Their vaunted health system took a real dive in particular - now you have to bring your own sheets to the hospital. With Venezuela finally coming to their senses it looks like the US will have to take over and the Bernie Sanders fans will have to prop Raul and his Committees for the Defense of the Revolution up.

In the good old days, the CDRs were an ideal forum for denouncing people for being gay. All the Cubans worth having have already floated over here on a door, years ago. They didnt wait for permission. Yes indeed, we too use "cookies. I know we do! You can thank the EU parliament for making everyone in the world click on these pointless things while changing absolutely nothing. Otherwise, you'll just have to find some other site for your pointless bitchery needs. The Cuba opening should bring in a slew of hot rentboys!

Fresh Cuban meat available for all to partake. Thank you, Obama! Lots of Quatro Skin. I've been to Cuba. Believe me, the hot ones are already here.

Bobby Ilinov on gay beach in Havana, Cuba (2015)

Yea I would think it would be an influx of starved skanks to be perfectly blunt. Y otra vez: I'll be available next year. I probably will, too.

The Cuba opening should bring in a slew of hot rentboys!

What a shame. Cuba was doing such a good job curbing the HIV epidemic. I prefer dark meat. Obama just landed in Cuba! Those big exploding cigars are coming to America! I doubt anybody that looks like the guy in OP's photo is still in Cuba. Here's what you hope to get: Here's what you will get: Although I wouldn't mind meeting this young lad. What am I, chopped liver? OMG who's that in your pic, dear OP? We do this by training, mentoring and providing platforms for professional and citizen reporters; building up the institutional capacity of media and civic groups; and working with independent and official partners to remove barriers to free expression, robust public debate and citizen engagement.

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